What experience do you have with new build and refit projects?
Our team boasts extensive experience in new build and refit projects, having completed a multitude of projects from various perspectives. With experience as part of the owner's team, third-party contractors, and operational AVIT crew, our team possesses a well-rounded understanding of the challenges that may arise throughout a project's lifecycle.

We understand that large-scale projects require adherence to specific technical, project management, and documentation standards, and our team is well-versed in these requirements. We have accumulated years of experience executing projects that meet these standards, and we are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the success of your project.

Are you able to create specification documents for new build and refit yachts?
We know first hand that the creation of these documents is a crucial aspect of the project, ensuring that all parties involved are on the same page with regards to the yacht systems design, features and functionality.

Our team will work closely with you to understand your vision and requirements, and will utilise our extensive knowledge and expertise to develop a comprehensive specification document. We ensure that all aspects, from the technical details to the aesthetic elements, are thoroughly detailed in the documentation stage.

We realise that the process of creating specification documents can be time-consuming and complex. As such, we utilise efficient project management techniques to ensure that the process is streamlined and that the document is completed within the designated timeframe.

How will remote support be provided?
We understand that the level of support required will vary based on the size and complexity of the installation. We offer a range of support options to meet the specific needs of our clients.

For smaller to medium-sized installations and less complex issues, we can provide support through team viewer sessions. Our experienced technicians can work with you remotely to diagnose and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

For clients seeking more comprehensive cover, we typically begin by conducting a site visit onboard to map out the network infrastructure, Wi-Fi devices, WAN interfaces, Firewall systems, IT hardware, AV system, communications devices, and security systems, depending on the required system coverage. This thorough assessment allows us to identify potential issues and develop a comprehensive support plan tailored to your specific needs.

In addition, we offer the option to install a small Intel NUC PC with monitoring software, providing you with real-time device monitoring & alerting, plus a simple overview screen. This tool can be especially helpful in identifying failed or faulty devices before or during guest trips, enabling swift replacement equipment before it is noticed by guests or owners.

Do you complete on-site support as well as remote support?
We offer both on-site and remote support options to provide you with the flexibility and convenience you need to keep your systems functioning optimally. Our on-site support services include site visits when you need them most or have refit or down time to make physical changes to your network infrastructure and devices, WAN interfaces, firewall systems, IT hardware, AV systems, communication devices, and security systems.

We believe that providing both on-site and remote support options is critical to ensuring that our clients' systems remain up and running, regardless of their location.


What experience onboard operational yachts do you have?
Our team includes individuals who have worked as part of the operational crew on yachts of various sizes and complexities, from 40 meters to 130+ meters as well as professionals with experience in technical and project management roles.

Through our collective experience, we have developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges that can arise in the day-to-day operations of a yacht. We are well-versed in the intricacies of onboard systems, including IT, AV, communications, and security systems, and have the technical expertise to identify and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Do you have Cyber Security management experience?
Cyber security is a critical aspect of any modern business, and we are committed to providing comprehensive and effective solutions to protect our clients' data and systems.
Our team's extensive experience in cyber security management positions us well to provide effective and tailored solutions to protect your yachts systems from cyber threats. Whether you are seeking assistance with risk assessment, vulnerability management, or incident response, our team has the expertise and dedication necessary to help you achieve your cyber security goals.

We typically manage the below cyber security services:
  • Full IMO compliant cyber security risk assessment & documentation writing for the MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3 guidelines
  • Executing of internal audits on board of the yacht in intervals as required by the ISPS Code.
  • Conduct a yearly company drill to guarantee that both the shore side and the ships crew are trained in emergencies and security threats.
  • Provide internet accessible software to exchange mandatory forms, checklists and documents.
  • Procedures for training, drills and exercises.
  • Training and awareness for crew and land-based staff

What do you find most helpful to the chief engineer or captain to outsource?
Typically the chief engineer and captain have such a wide range of responsibilities to manage and that outsourcing certain tasks can be helpful in ensuring that they are able to focus on their core duties. Through our years of experience working in the yachting industry, we have identified several areas where outsourcing can be particularly beneficial:

  • Network management and WAN interface efficiency for providing the fastest and most stable internet connection with tiered priorities for owners, guests and crew.
  • VSAT passage planning to ensure your VSAT provider is aware of your movements through different VSAT footprints and programming the modem as necessary to ensure no internet dropouts during a long passage
  • Software subscription support and patches to ensure that your systems remain secure and up to date.
  • Domain, email, Active Directory management
  • Virtual server and Virtual storage assistance
  • Media streaming and onboard Media libraries
  • Wi-Fi fault finding
  • Wireless phone management
  • Security system management and support