Are you a captain or chief engineer in need of an AVIT engineer or ETO but cant afford the cabin space for a dedicated position? We take pride in our proactivity in the world of AVIT support, just like any onboard AVIT engineer would do. Unlike other support companies that merely react to issues as they arise, we are constantly one step ahead. Actively monitoring network speeds, completing PMS task such as server health or VSAT quadrant tests, identifying potential hardware issues and implementing proactive software solutions to prevent problems before they're known to owners or guests during trips.

Virtual ETO’s is an industry-leading shore-based yacht AVIT specialist. Our team provides customised technical remote support services and solutions to meet all of your yacht needs. We offer a quality & reliable service from our highly experienced professionals and specialised skills from industry accreditations that can majorly benefit the smooth operations of any boat, crew and owner.

We understand the complexity of yacht systems through years of onboard experience and can assist with troubleshooting, diagnosis, repair and modification - no matter the yacht size or complexity of system. Not only do we provide timely resolutions when there are potential guest facing down-times but also help optimise performance across multiple technologies by monitoring and detecting potential problems before they become disruptive events.

Contact us to see how Virtual ETO's can help support the technical systems on your yacht today.

Remote Support

Yachts 40m-70m

No space on-board for additional crew, let alone an AVIT engineer?

No matter what size the yacht or the extent of the need, we provide flexible support to all vessels. Just like an onboard AVIT engineer would do, we monitor networks speeds, complete planned maintenance on IT infrastructure, maintain firmware upgrades, security patches and firewall management to name a few.

Whether it be IT support, communications assistance including VSAT, 5G, Starlink & DUHF, AV troubleshooting or Wi-Fi issues, we're on hand to assist while you concentrate on the guest experience.

Yachts 70m+

Is your split role Engineer/ETO constantly in the red with working hours? Not only are they managing all of the engineering responsibilities, they're also trying to keep the boat online, streaming services running and the onboard movie library up to date.

Preventative measures get pushed down to the priority list and issues become reactionary, typically when there are guests or owner onboard.

We assist captains and engineers by supplying extensive experience and preventative knowledge to the systems that matter most during busy trips.

We specialise in providing remote support for the following services for vessels of all sizes

Sometimes it just makes sense to have the same support package that can span over a fleet.

With the ability to provide equipment and maintenance services across multiple vessels, our support bundles offer cost savings while ensuring your onboard systems stay running optimally.

  • Networking, switches, firewalls and infrastructure
  • Microsoft Server environments - Exchange email, file servers, domain controllers etc
  • Virtual Machine and Virtual Storage environments
  • Wi-Fi Controllers
  • PC and Mac based end user hardware and software

  • Crestron control, automation and distribution
  • Onboard Media libraries such as Plex, Omniyon, Kaleidescape
  • Streaming media services
  • TVRO services


  • VSAT
  • 4G/5G GSM
  • Starlink
  • Wi-Fi bridge
  • Phone systems
  • DUHF

  • CCTV cameras and recording systems
  • Access control doors
  • Viewing/playback stations

Yachts 50m+

Is your split role Engineer/ETO constantly in the red with working hours? Not only are they managing all of the engineering responsibilities, they're also trying to keep the boat online, streaming services running and the onboard movie library up to date.

Preventative measures get pushed down to the priority list and issues become reactionary, typically when there are guests or owner onboard.

We assist captains and engineers by supplying extensive experience and preventative knowledge to the systems that matter most during busy trips.

Sometimes it just makes sense to have the same support package that can span over a fleet.

With the ability to provide equipment and maintenance services across multiple vessels, our support bundles offer cost savings while ensuring your onboard systems stay running optimally.


We specialise in providing remote support for the following services for vessels of all sizes

  • Networking, switches, firewalls and infrastructure
  • Microsoft Server environments - Exchange email, file servers, domain controllers etc
  • Virtual Machine and Virtual Storage environments
  • Wi-Fi Controllers
  • PC and Mac based end user hardware and software

  • Crestron control, automation and distribution
  • Onboard Media libraries such as Plex, Omniyon, Kaleidescape
  • Streaming media services
  • TVRO services

  • VSAT
  • 4G/5G GSM
  • Starlink
  • Wi-Fi bridge
  • Phone systems
  • DUHF

  • CCTV cameras and recording systems
  • Access control doors
  • Viewing/playback stations